Wednesday, November 19, 2008


We have been late on our posting to the blog the last several weeks, but we are getting more busy as the days go by. We are finding as we work in both areas the same amount of time that we have less personal time. Thank goodness for p-days. The highlight for us the last couple of weeks has been a visit from our daughter Teri who took a few days ahead of her annual shopping blast to NYC with the Browns all female shopping blitz to visit us. This trip is nothing more than a buy off sham from the Brown men so they can spend a week hunting in New Mexico with no recrimination.

She arrived on Sunday evening and we picked her up at Laguardia in NYC and brought her back up to our apartment in Highland and she did a little missionary work with us. She went to a family home evening with us at a members house and went on another visit. On p-day we took the train down to the city where she took us to the Empire State Building and a few other sites. We took a few pictures of the city. It was a nice day and we enjoyed the time together. It was great to have her there to show us the subway tangle and explain a few of the secrets and have a great Kosher Hot Pastrami sandwich. We are getting more and more confident about going down to the city and learning the ropes.

As part of the holiday time, at our next Mission Conference, we will be performing a service project in Central Park. In these bad economic times, can you imagine how great Lowe's will feel when they get the order for 170 lawn rakes to clean up Central Park. We can spark the economy just from service projects. We are all excited about getting together with the entire mission and doing this service project. It takes a lot to run this mission and we have a great Mission President and his wife. They really keep the missionaries focused on finding and baptising. We the members need to be better at integrating new members into the church. Once a person joins the church, we have a tendency to believe that they know everything, all the terms, traditions and doctrine, let alone the people. There is a high level of less activies not just here, but throughout the church, due primarily to them not being fellowshiped and cared for. (No news there) Those who have a friend, a calling, and are nurtured by the good word of Christ become active and stay active.

We had some success last evening when the young elders, with us in the background, put on a community fireside about the beliefs of the Church. We had 3 non-members and 1 less active in attendance. They did a Power Point presentation that was based on the Articles of Faith and it was very well done. We handed out several Books of Mormon and set up teaching dates for those in attendance. We approached an inactive member of the Branch to preform a special musical number for the closing song, and she agreed to do it and did a wonderful job. We recently joined the local Chamber of Commerce with the blessing of the Mission and Stake Presidents, not to proselyte, but just to do service and meet people and try to expose the church to the business community. While meeting with the membership director, she said she loved Mitt Romney and felt he should have been the Republican Candidate for President. She asked if we were from the same church, we said yes and invited her to our little fireside and she came and received a BOM. We have also volunteered to tutor at the local Junior High School. Again we can't proselyte but it will give us exposure to teachers and administrators.
We are trying as many things as we can think of to get exposure for the church, short of going door to door. We try to meet as many neighbors as we can. We know they are curious about this well dressed couple and are gone most of the day and then have young well dressed missionaries visiting from time to time. We love curiosity. We try to talk with everyone we come in contact with and see if it leads to a pass a long card or further questions. When you have on the black name tag it makes you a little more bold and is actually fun. You meet some interesting people and it creates opportunities for people to question a little about the gospel. I think the statistic say that it takes 5-7 exposures to the church for people to become interested enough to learn more.

There are many ups and downs, but there are getting to be more ups than downs. With no direct instruction as to our duties, we have had fun innovating and trying new things. There is a family in the branch that have chickens and we buy fresh eggs from them for our use. We buy an extra dozen once in a while when we think it will help us get into the home of an inactive member. We appreciate all of your prayers and good thoughts. Please continue the prayers and send a long a letter once in a while, we like the hard copies as well as the telephone conversation.

The Lord continues to bless and direct us daily. We just have to listen and be perceptive and follow his direction.

We have been invited by the Kingston Ward Bishop for Thanksgiving dinner so don't worry about us splitting a drumstick all by ourselves.

We love you all and hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

A special Happy Birthday to Jon Conley and Carl Baker, two great sons-in-law

Love Elder and Sister Farnsworth. Mom, Dad, Grandma, Papa H, and your favorite missionaries


erin and brian said...

I love the pictures of New York! I really miss that place. Glad you were able to see Teri. Sounds like you're having a great time and are impacting people. B & E

Bakers said...

I loved seeing you guys last night on the web did Ben. Every time I open the computer he asks if we can see grandma Roma and Papa H. Sounds like you guys are doing great...minus the 25 degree weather. Love you and talk to you soon!

Amy Smith said...

Your adventures sounds amazing :) Christmas Eve's not going to be the same this year without you! Teri said she had an amazing time with you both, so good to see her when I can. Love you lots

Wend said...

Hello family, I don't have your address for the mission but the rumor was true and you do have a blog. I just want to wish you a very merry Christmas and let you know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. I am so happy for both of you.
Love Wendy Gardner and family